1.0.3 一些小更新/Some updates

  • 更改了拉被子场景的数值,现在没有之前那么拼手速了 

        Changed the parameters of the quilt pulling scene, now it's not as much of a hand fight as it was before.

  • 修改了一写右上角的引导文字,让键盘按键的引导更详细

        Changed some guide text in the upper right corner for a more detailed guide to the keyboard keys.

  • 在拉被子结束后的演出里增加了喘气音效

         Added a gasp sound effect to the performance at the end of the pulling of the quilt.


1_LivingCorpse1.0.2.zip 152 MB
28 days ago
LivingCorpse1.0.3.zip 152 MB
25 days ago

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